Tuesday, May 8


You are lying and you don't know it

You want to be who you are not

You can't be where you don't want to be

I'm walking backwards

to where I never wanted to be

I'm racing forward

hoping for a crash

phonecalls drown the fire alarm

and save it for a rainy day

money buys toys

and a night at the bar

sleep buys oblivion

and anger destruction

the brain watches silently

as thoughts provoke

stifling seizures

shutting you down

in the middle of a mediocre


the rainbow is actually black

and if that's your favourite colour

you may as well chase it

and the pot of gold

is the jewellery

you never wear

so how about

hugging a tree

or scraping the dirt

for that rock

which inspires you?

Indifference is not comfort

Passion is not postponable

Dead birds don't fly

no matter when you knock

there's no reply