Monday, June 19

Not even headlines

I've seen the future, brother:
It is murder

Things are going to slide,
Slide in all directions
Wont be nothing
Nothing you can measure
The blizzard,
The blizzard of the world
Has crossed the threshold
And it has overturned
The order of the soul
When they said REPENT REPENT
I wonder what they meant

Leonard Cohen 'The Future' from the soundtrack of Natural Born Killers


Are we supposed to write a happy song
When the world goes horribly wrong?

Are we supposed to polish our knives
When they're used to kill our wives?

Are we to eat cookies and cream
As hungry children scream?

Are we to sit back and smile
While innocents are tortured in style


rape the girl you'll never see
kill the child you'll never be
shoot the man who dared to fight
burn the old women tonight

steal their food
maim their brood
tear them inch by inch
just to watch them flinch


laughter in maniac eyes
fed by anguished cries
strong cruel bodies swell in pride
even as they violate the bride
blind the eyes

that will never again
see the morning light
its all dark now
and that makes it all right?


Prat said...

I dunno if everything will be alright. I dunno if the darkness will go away, if the voids will fill.
And if you find out before I do, let me know.
Though I think you will say otherwise.

shikha said...

donno wat to say of this!

Russell CJ Duffy said...

light is but the darkness on the outskirts of town. neat, kickass words inky.

Pincushion said...

Despair is a dark night and hope is sometimes just denial of it..but i am searching for some rhyme or reason to this chaos of creation..perhaps it will all come back a full circle with destruction and a new rebirth...
or so I hope..
am I in denial?!

mermaid said...

No, it doesn't make it all right. But, even the smallest baby step by one soul in the right direction can change lives.

I cannot change the world, only myself, and hope that the ripple touches those around me. Inks, I know I do. This is very dark and true, but so is the will to fight it.

San said...

okay totally random - but the mustardy font looks amazing against the black backround.

Back to the post - another one of your thought provoking posts

Inkblot said...

prat: history says it will never go away, although for brief periods perhaps it could be better if we tried hard enough....shame.

shikha: at a very basic level perhaps if we all tried to do something...

cj: thanks. you have no idea how many asses I want to kick, inluding my own.

Inkblot said...

pincushion: we need real strong nuclear bombs chucked from both ends to wipe out even the daned cockroaches and yet who knows if we'll even get a second chance and yse it well..

san: yeah i like it too- bit of red chilli sauce in the mustard too -more for bite than effect, so bring on the tears I say :)

Russell CJ Duffy said...

hey inky, don't kick yer own, c'mon and kick mine!

Aradhita said...

Hey Inks, I never did get a comment from you on that post...I hope you will share it again...and I hope u didnt use ur invisible ink ;)

Ekta said...

Unfortunately most of us are unable to stop even for a while and think about all the chaos around us...we'r too busy thinking abt ourselves!
beautiful post and thx for dropping by my blog and for ur lovely comment!

Inkblot said...

cj:I'll decide :P

aradhita: oops, had done a long one- hope it didn't end up on someone else's blog given how many windows I juggle at a time! invisible...hmmm, will consider the option. :)

ekta: thanks and your most welcome

... said...

Is this the part where someone laughs maniacally then puts a gun (petrol pump) to their head?

Inkblot said...

doc: are you? so long as you're not doing what they all do- put a gun to someone else's head and watch in mirth as it goes off...we're all klllers.

procheta said...

Do you like Cohen?
I like the compactness of the opening two lines, "Are we to..." and the last "and that makes it alright?" , but there seems to be something that is disjointed in between...something.Personally i like the sudden shift from subjective narration to objective,in the last two stanzas.