Friday, July 7

Gentlemen first...

What happens when you miss something so much that
the cigarette burns out on your toe
and you don't even notice?
When the music fades and you still hear it?
When the light breaks through the purple haze of invisible cloud
and you still only drift
in the comfortable black
of all you cannot see...

How much alcohol does it take to burn the insides like now?

He hadn't a clue
Maybe she had
Maybe she did
Maybe she could

Comforting thought that

Gut wrenching?

Not quite.

Just enough for a subtle curl of a nicotine stained lip
Picturing hers
frosted pearl
parched with longing

Dream on sweet child
Those eyes were always blind
Like yours

And all the while you knew
you were lying and smiling to yourself
because you needed to believe
it was true

Every shade of blue
You eked out of the green
Shutting out the cloying yellow
That clung on in triumph

Knowing they were right
all along

and real

Paint your dreams
and they'll never come true

Shut your eyes
and they just might


Pincushion said...

Shut your eyes
and they just might

Girrl! what a punch that line packs!

Your words bleed pain..whatever it is..I hope your dreams come true..


teacup said...

"Paint your dreams
and they'll never come true

Shut your eyes
and they just might"

really?I think I will believe/do anything if they,dreams, only come true!!! alright I'll go shut my eyes now:)

Flights Of The Mind said...

Nice one :)

Anonymous said...

Was wondering what's up...

That was a good one. Like one of your older ones.

Inkblot said...

pincushion: no sleep- no dreams- no pain :P
thanks for visiting

yashita : have a good one

flights of the mind: thank you

bb: ditto.
Thought you'd stopped visiting! oh, and before you can complain- thank you :)

procheta said...

"when the light breaks....invisible cloud"," a subtle curl of a nicotine stained lip"..."those eyes were always blind,like yours"..."eked out of the green" got a beautiful one there.

che sara sara said...

dreams do come true
just concentrate
n wait....
it works

mermaid said...

Only you can make the dreams come true, but are they the right dreams?

That's a tough question? Who decides?

sd said...

"And all the while you knew
you were lying and smiling to yourself
because you needed to believe
it was true"

How True. And for now, I will choose to disagree with the last four lines!!

White Magpie said...

What happens...becomes a Syd Barrett...

What happens to a dream deferred?/Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or does it explode?

Inkblot said...

procheta: thanks and take your pick. would have liked more imagery and colour though.

jon cox: thank you again

sophie: i'm not the patient sort :P

Inkblot said...

mermaid: why is it that I think your getting under the skin of it all in a trice -and it makes me decisions.
no sense.
thank you

sd: you surprise me. Wisdom/ a different tack/ cynicism?

and what would your version of the last four lines be?

thanks for visiting.

white magpie: if it implodes- then you're right, we have a Barrett-(Syd and not Oliver?)

what if it fades?

the raisin analogy is interesting- disturbing too.

thanks for reading me :)

Russell CJ Duffy said...

pain in floods of prose amid colour weeping like open sores.

Prerona said...

i like
really like

DayDreamer said...

Incredible emotions! A wonderful piece of writing.

Φ said...

BLOODY HELL.. this is the best..I love this so damn much..

Rose said...

But how long can one be shut away frm the reality.. ?


Prmod Bafna said...

A tugging mix of emotions and feelings and bleeding pain swirled into oblivion. Stunning write!!

Neer said...

this was really good!!! quite profound!
and i like your "occupation"... envy you! :)

Inkblot said...

cj: now that's a line for 'discharge'! tx

prerona: thank you :)

day dreamer: thank you. emotions come in handy sometimes.

VP: like it when you get vehement :)

Inkblot said...

rose: no idea. mix and match?

pb:thank you. hope all is well in mumbai.

neers: thanks. and have currently put my 'occupation' on hold so save the green..

Blue Athena said...

Verry nice! :)