Saturday, July 15


Blazing eyes. Impassive jaw. A headbutt.

Taut muscle. Dark calves. Smashing forehand.

Red streaking. Lightning lap. Champagne laugh.

Cloying campari. Curried clams. Cogent cracks.

"Lets try it another way
You'll lose your mind and play"

The Sunday Philosophy Club.

The Piper at the gates of Dawn.

Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf.

Sibilant senses. Smoky slims. Simmering silence.

"She often inclined to borrow somebody's dreams till tomorrow "

Sushi on saturday?
Sapphire sex?
Schnapps sodden soiree?
Sybaritic soapsuds?

He settled down on the acid carpet with a steaming teacup to see Emily play.

"There is no other day.."

For an ordinary man.


Russell CJ Duffy said...

and there was no other way not in the end.

... said...

Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Who is afraid of Sylvia Plathe?

Here's to Syd.

Inkblot said...

cj: perhaps your right.

intern: now that would be giving things away...:P

doc: now now, don't you dare..!
and yes- to Syd.

aria said...

Borrowing dreams .. hmm that part struck me the most .. and sapphire sex .. another hmm ..

Prmod Bafna said...

Beautiful and stunning!! Snapshots and see emily play.. Smashing combo!! To syd! :)

Inkblot said...

aria:hmmmm. lol

pb:thanks. it's hard to do justice to Syd.

jon cox: thanks buddy

San said...

it's different

Φ said...

"inclined to borrow somebody's dreams"..wish I could do that and empty my lids for awhile..



Inkblot said...

san: i hope so

VP:thanks. DO

Prat said...

Someday, you should come with me. We will tread up an elusive hill and have a chat with Ms. Dickinson over pomegrantes.
Until then, I will continue to be in awe of your poetry-prose.