Tuesday, August 8


Guilty as hell
he could tell
She was squirming

Guilty as hell
she knew him well
He was worming

his way out

of the creepy
little molehill
he loved to curl up in

keep mum
play dumb

its time .

No more
Gin and lime

just tonic

In its bleak bitter clarity
prick you back
into precious
piquant reality

Hate it as you do
still sticks like glue
to singed fingertips

still tingling
from that tender touch

even now
just one guilty footfall away.


Prerona said...

really nice ...

aparna said...

Everytime i read your poems, theres just one thought running through my mind... how on earth do you conjure up these images and play with these words? :)

And i really really wish i could too.

This crawled its way out...

Prerona said...

really nice ...

Rose said...

Nice play with words..



che sara sara said...

"a sigh"
u knw wat it means!!

Russell CJ Duffy said...

a regular wordsmith with a barbed twist

Inkblot said...

aparna: they just crawl in somehow and flow out- no effort on my part really, just got holes in my head I think :)

prerona : really- thank you

rose: thanks a bunch :D

Inkblot said...

sophie: if only...:)

cj: welcome back. and I need a new set of tools I think.

mermaid said...

At least the other foot is on solid ground?

... said...

Guilty as charged. Your word are always a mysterious touch and blush of relegated calamitous suspense.

aria said...

Loved the way you used certain words .. they string beautifully

Inkblot said...

mermaid: who wants solid ground !

doc: calamitous- yes. relegated- not yet. and as for mysterious- hmmmm...

aria: thanks. that reminds me of the flowers I used to string together to make necklaces as a child- only fragrant ones though ...unlike now.