Saturday, April 15


I've found it.

The perfect spot to down my cup of solitude in secluded bliss.
The perfect time to feel like a prince.
The perfect moment to smile at my shadow and call it mine.

After all the searching, all the angst, all the confusion... here it is.

my slice of sky
my chance to fly
my own box of treasure
to cherish at leisure

The perfect dream to chase
The precious laughter on that face

The perfect piece of sunshine
Right here with its arms open wide.

The perfect place to hide.

Wake up.
Your dreaming.
The world is exactly where it was -
So are you.

And the colour is imperceptible.


AJ ! Serendipity !!! said...

simply wow !!!

another illusion said...

"The world is exactly where it was."

why?? the dream was so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Yes, this one sounds better than the first version. The last line didn't sound good first time around.

Don't know why I didn't comment earlier.

Inkblot said...

Ajay: thanks

Soul circling: I'm really not sure :)

Illusion: dreams and reality rarely go hand in hand I guess.

sg: yes, teacher! Its a good thing you didn't earlier, may not have been so positive. Surprised you noticed the edit though- didn't realise it made such a difference.

Prmod Bafna said...

Hey! lovely write!! but the dream dint have to end :p missed readin your stuff all these days!! Cheers :)

San said...

then the bubble popped :(

i was enjoying the dream ..

mermaid said...

When you close your eyes, it's one place you want to be. When you open them, you're already there.

Φ said...

what IF am waking up to a dream.. :)

nice one.

Inkblot said...

pb: yeah, lets dream on :)

san: lets close eyes and go back to sleep..

mermaid: that would be pure magic

VP: hey,never thought of it that way. hmmm...

Russell CJ Duffy said...

which one is real?
waking life or dreamtime?

... said...

Dreams and surreality are just as important as reality, I think. Sometimes they can get mixed up. So confusing...