Monday, April 3


Am I thinking?


Am I?

No, I'm just here.
Like I always was.

Like a limerick
Never written.

Like an apple
Never bitten.

Like a ghost
Never smitten.

And after every war
When I asked for more

After every hug
The hole I dug

To bury myself

After every cry
When I tried to die

Bricks and stone
Skull and bone

Left me here alone.


Do you ever think
I might be on the brink

Do you ever

See me as I am?
Even try to give a damn?

Do you?


Can you see me now?
Can you ask me how

I'm still here?

Will you fight yourself
Will you fight me

Will you

to be here too?


Anonymous said...

Yes. Very nice.

mermaid said...

It never ceases to amaze me how much time we spend focusing on the negative aspects of our surroundings (and ourselves).

After reading this, I ask if I can be myself, if I can stop fighting myself, if I can just be.

Blue Athena said...

This is nice Inkblot! Like the lucidity of random thoughts knit so wonderfully together. :)

AJ ! Serendipity !!! said...

Some exceptional poetry
good post
A lot of questions ? unanswered

Inkblot said...

Intern, SG: thanks

mermaid: its never easy

blue athena: thank you. couldn't find your last post (which showed on bloglines) on your blog. loved it though- unusual yet we all know it.

the thoughts in this case weren't random though.

ajay: thanks. a lot of questions don't have answers. better they stay that way perhaps.

Russell CJ Duffy said...

such dark depths you plumb
to reveal such sweet soul
bitter and unrelated and yet
somehow sinuously symbiotic

Prmod Bafna said...

Enigmatic account of the thoughtflow! Gripping. Very. :)


Dont' fight... just let it flow. I like the rythem.

Inkblot said...
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Inkblot said...

CJ: now why confuse my poor little head further...:D

PB: thank you again.:)

eating poetry: will take your advice. glad you liked it.

... said...

Is it the trodden road by default I wonder. Compelling and hellacious!