Friday, March 31

Too close

Come up here
Close to me


So I can see your face
So I can smell your skin
And see your eyes

Looking at me.


So I can feel your breathe
Hear those words
You speak not


And I'll come closer too

So close
You wouldn't be able to
See my face
Or my eyes
tightly shut

Or that flaming mouth
Which now feels cold and blue.

And if we could only
Pull close enough
To melt away the masks

And smile with our eyes
At the sweetness underneath.

Or shall we just
Rip them off
And wince

At the ugliness
we knew we would see?

The painting above is Rene Magritte's 'Lovers II' (1928)

For a poignant piece on that and the NY subway (by Frank McDonnell) read
  • sanity starved

    Jyothi Kapur Das said...

    Funny. Really.

    aria said...

    Well the poem was so romantic to begin with n then the picture for the effect and last few lines defied stereotyping ..
    kewl :) nice n different again ..

    Prmod Bafna said...

    Beautifully written with a very sensous flow and down right instinctal at the end :p Great write!

    Anonymous said...

    And if we could only
    Pull close enough
    To melt away the masks

    awesome part....
    phew man i no how difficult it is now since i jus "tried" my hand in ur kinda writing...its HARD...neat job as always...

    Anonymous said...

    The veil prevents us from seeing
    an infinite web of connectedness.

    RIP IT AWAY to be like Mirrors

    Let the souls take flight
    to settle-sense-dive-let go into each other.

    [The interconnectedness-]
    Continue to discover through intelligent, creative and sensitive exploration.

    Bringing many parts of us together-
    to live in unison to share the level of inventiveness, imagination, artistic ability

    somehow felt like posting this after seeing a different tone in your words...some soul circling:)
    Hope it's okay...

    Inkblot said...

    JKD:laugh away :)

    aria: and you thought romance was dead!

    pb:when your there, instinct is everything, would you agree?

    FS: I might be reading you wrong here, but its because they were locked up in a black hole a long time..

    1$ saint: thanks dude.And I thought Insomnia was pretty spectacular.

    Anon:you are soul circling? was that a quote or your own? very apt so thanks for posting but it would be so much nicer if you had a name.

    Anonymous said...

    Hehehe... I found out what painting this is. Hehehe...

    Check blog! hehehe...

    Inkblot said...

    SG: yeah, checked and linked you for the MsDonnell piece. Nice bit of research there so will let you gloat!

    Anonymous said...

    inner--reflections @ blogspot
    Soul circling ...just a quest:)

    You left a comment sometime ago and that brought me :)

    [Anon]? not anymore

    Anonymous said...

    inner--reflections @ blogspot
    Soul circling ...just a quest:)

    You left a comment sometime ago and that brought me :)

    [Anon]? not anymore

    Prmod Bafna said...

    haha! wholly agree! :)

    sk8rn said...

    Hmmm... Interesting poem, especially in its interpretation of that painting. I'm not sure I would have gotten as much out of the painting if I hadn't read your poem. I can certainly relate to that fear of seeing the ugly parts of life in others.

    Russell CJ Duffy said...

    poem and picture as one. funny somtimes too.

    'At the ugliness
    we knew we would see?'

    best to keep covered up then like bloggers do.

    Nick Zegarac said...

    Bold revealing and just a tad frightening how close we all come to never understanding the person we eventually settle down with. Our eyes betray - our thoughts reveal - that in the final analysis we are all fundamentally, truly alone.

    Manasi said...

    That was simply brilliant.. I loved the last two lines and the way it flows....

    vic said...

    so close i can see you
    without my eyes

    so close i can hear what you say
    with your mouth shut

    so close i feel
    how i become a part of you

    Inkblot said...

    CL (alias anon): and won't you let us in on your ramblings for the past one year?

    Sk8rn: thanks.
    And fear is only one bit of it though. But yes, we fear and accept together too sometimes, don't we?

    CJ: good tip, but then again those covers get penetrated too on occasion.

    Nick: now YOUR scaring me! :)

    Sigmund Fraud: now I guess you may have a very valid point there!

    Darkness: thanks. liked yours too.

    Vic:its a pity I can't read your stuff.

    San said...

    wow .. i feel so close .. *taking a few deep breaths*

    i like this painting, i can dream up so many verses in my head to fit this image .. nice work blotty :)