Tuesday, March 7

Crack It

Nothings working.

Not the macchiato
Not the gooey Godiva
Not CSI, Joey, Panorama
Nor Wodehouse either.

Its one of those days.

Not Lawrence, nor Larkin, nor Lear
Or the wafflemaker here
Not Chopin, not Ella, not Jagger
Not even erotica or lager.

How much longer?

Not Nietzsche, not Ginsberg, nor Jung
Not bratwurst, olives or lung fung.
Not Hamlet, not 'Cats', not Rada
Nor the Guggenheim or Prada.

Will I get any stronger?

Not Harrods, Camden, or Soho
Nor yoga, pilates, flamenco
Not even Woody Allen
Not Chardonnay, Chimay or Sheridan .

Wondering if I should take a walk, climb a hill
or simply take a pill.

(Puff steadily on captain black gold immersed in deep thought.)

I've got it.

Had the 'down' and 'across' confused.
It all fits now.Perfectly.

My confabulating crossword puzzle.


The Individualist said...

lol nicely written. Witty. With a lot of meaning in it.

Jitterplate said...

teach me to be like you!

GhostOfTomJoad said...

Vaguely recalls Billy Joel's 'We Didn't Start the Fire'... but very nice, mister! :-)

Aradhita said...

Hilarious!! :)) Loved it.

Russell CJ Duffy said...

when there is nothing else to please us
try visiting cocaine jesus.

very funny. tre cool.

Innocent Bullet said...

nice technique! fill in the thoughts with names. it worked at least in this poem.

thanks for dropping in at my blog. :-)



Inkblot said...

individualist, aradhita, TTIM: thanks, its just another day.

CJ: lol. will do.

DH: never tried it before. Hadn't thought of it as a 'technique' but now that you mention it...

Ghostoftomjoad: perhaps 'A simple desultory philippic' as well?

Anonymous said...

Yes, very...desultory...which we like very much.

Anonymous said...

This time it felt like a slap though, not an understatement.

Inkblot said...

ph: thank you. I meant the song (S&G), not necessarily the mood..

Intern: I like crossword puzzles

SS:that's why you don't revisit :)

death said...
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death said...

haa haa haa

death said...
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david raphael israel said...


most amusing! & nicely done.


~Nitoo Das~ said...

Very clever. Liked all that name-dropping! ~;-)