Sunday, March 19


Calm today.
Like a wave too lazy to roll
Like a bell too full to toll.

Calm, like a breeze that's sleeping
Calm, like the dew that's weeping.

Every sense, every pore
Quiet now, can't ask for more

Every breath now feels so sweet
Resting now, those restless feet.

Nothing black, no empty street
Just a warm deep heartbeat.

Close as hell, a soft deep shell
that binds and soothes and keeps me well.

Nothing uttered, nothing lost
No hurt, no fear, no thorns, no frost.

So calm now, like the big blue sky
So calm that I would never cry

I know not if I live or die


And won't you ask me why?


J. Alfred Prufrock said...

Good. Both cause and effect.

And why?


Prerona said...

picture perfect. beautiful. measured scientific precision and perfect flowing singing lyrical ... just perfect :)

if any confusion catch me on gtalk for clarification ;)

aparna said...



Anonymous said...

Very calm. How can I not like it! Loved it. Opens very well. And, not something you expect here.

Why? :p

Inkblot said...

JAP: cause and effect? you've lost me.

P: clear :)

Aparna: catch me when you can

SS: being cheeky are ya? keep guessing.

sinusoidally said...

I would read this on a particular day when I am feeling depressed...very nice job.

Nick Zegarac said...

Calm - as though no further eruption will follow...not! A fantastic piece.

Nick Zegarac said...

Thanks for visiting the Hollywood Art. Unfortunately there's no easy way to visit the content for specific people - I wish blogger allowed for that. What I'm currently trying to do is expand the archive in as many different directions as possible. Watch for many more posts in the very near future on a lot of the golden oldies.

Inkblot said...

sinusoidally:thats a nice thought. perhaps I will too :)

Nick: thanks, will keep a lookout for more on yours.
As for mine, this could as well be the calm before the storm...

... said...

An unusual calm in the tempest... Lyrically imbued tranquility. It's a bit eerie here.

mermaid said...

Inks, I won't ask why, because I know. When you can wake up from the stifling thoughts, you feel the serenity stretch beyond the "deep blue sky". It's like watching the Wizard of Oz, and seeing that little man behind the curtain. It's you.

Russell CJ Duffy said...

ok, why?

just glad to see peace at last even if the storm breaks.

Russell CJ Duffy said...

ok, why?

just glad to see peace at last even if the storm breaks.

Pincushion said...

This is so peaceful with such lovely imagery..bliss!

Pincushion said...

ooops...looks like blogger swallowed my previous comment!

This has such vivid and peaceful imagery..enjoy :)

aria said...

Hmm .. is that why .. you aint writing n posting as much as you normally do ?? :) @ calm..
Lovely one again ..

Inkblot said...

Ô¿Ô : you want eerie don't you? jeepers creepers comin up on you..sometime.

Mermaid: YOU are a wizard.
Yes, the curtain bit, in brief spells...

CJ: its coming

Pincushion:this one goes easier on the nerves then?

Aria: you don't want the floodgates to open!

AJ ! Serendipity !!! said...

wow !
Simply beautiful
You should publish your work
Keep the good posts coming !!!

another illusion said...

beautifully calm.

Anonymous said...

cudnt comment d same day due 2 some word verification error..well it was nice readn ur poem..cos it was my bday wen dis was posted..n i just felt d same as in d damn gud...;)