Saturday, March 25

Out there somewhere

Huge wide world
Spread out before me
Lying at my feet
Waiting to set me free.

Acres of sea
Calling to me
Ripe rich land
Taking my hand

Concrete beauty
Catching my eye
Leading me on
To a plausible high.

Bright eyed people
Watchful cat
Teaching me this
Teaching me that,

Pushing me out
Of a deep blue bout
Shaking me now
Showing me how.

Playful patterns
Roll in my head
Sundry silhouettes
Speak in my bed.

Bookshelves beckon
Hope in the air
Sweet promises
That strive to be there.

I hear them
Know they're out there


and yet

and yet

I cannot see
I cannot let them
Reach for me.

That world out there
So full and fair
Smiling at me
And do I dare

Smile back?

Fix the crack
Try again
It's faith you lack!

But in the end
I skip away

Tell them to just let me be

For I know

I know

The world out there
is not for me.


Prmod Bafna said...

*gasp*! the brilliance that you project with your weave is simply matchless!! :)

Pat Paulk said...

Like this one very much! How often we feel the world is NOT for us.

Nick Zegarac said...

The world out there is not for a lot of us, I'm afraid. It caters to the 'sensibilities' of the very vane, very rich, thoroughly misguided and somewhat extroverted - who think nothing of stepping on tulips if there's a Gucci with 25% off staring them back from the cold solid pane of a shop window.

another illusion said...

i totally agree with nick zegarac. the world out there is really not for a lot of us.
very well written.

Anonymous said...

Just one more comment...

a piece of my reflection in your words...
am hiding in my shell
it's just a BIG ugly blue blotch that i leave behind...when i fly away where no one can reach...

yes the world is not for me either

Russell CJ Duffy said...

it isn't the being different that bothers me.
nor the great expanse of loneliness but just the dreadful realisation that, no matter how many individual souls there are out there not one of them is like me and whilst i enjoy being individual the knowledge that i am entirely on my own becomes so much more acute.

mermaid said...

Why not???? Smile back, Inks. Embrace it all. I'm learning this, too. Hold my hand through this screen...

Prerona said...

hello sweetie - been really getting jacked with packing and all. will be back in a while.

Inkblot said...

cherie: hmm, Guru Dutt! Will check it out.

pb: thanks again,glad you liked it.

pat: thanks, and I really like YOUR poetry too.

Nick: thats a 'priceless' thought. Perhaps things will change one day and the tables will turn.

Illusion: thank you :)

Anon: you don't have to fly just yet! and it may be a graceful streak and not a blotch perhaps, and why blue?

CJ: ignorance is not always bliss though. acute is better anyday even if it is scary, isn't it?
and what better way to be, than on your own!

Mermaid: yes, we're in it together.

P: get sorted. will do wine and cheese again if you like.

Anonymous said...

That was very good. Don't know about the world out there.

It does not care for me;
I do not care either.
For once, it is mutual.

But you can build your own
As many times as you please.
Once more after it crashes?

That was nice, Blue.

... said...

Interesting and characteristically rhapsodical post. It makes one wonder just how malleable this world is.

Inkblot said...

SG: that was nice too.yes, its mutual!

Ô¿Ô : interesting thought when we're so busy taking it for granted the way it is, but then again, do we really give a damn?