Wednesday, May 3


I've been sitting idle for hours. For hours!

Where are you? Downing a few beers with your best mates?
Or chatting up that doe eyed colleague
Whom you wouldn't let anywhere near me,
When she knocked on your door
tentatively the other day?

Here I am- slick new image, fitter, faster,
Brand new colours, every detail as you desired.

You even chose these devastatingly obscure blue shades,
Possessively, so that only you can look deep into my eyes.
So why the hide and seek now?

Last night was terrific. So involved.
Just when I thought you'd stop, you kept going
Till I lost myself in your labyrinthine manoeuvres.
Didn't let you down, now did I ?

To rise with you in the dawn,
Watch you sipping that strong bitter brew
You love so much,
Feel your fingers stroking me to rest.
Stop daydreaming!

Why on earth have you suddenly disappeared
When you've poured your heart out to me,
Told me stories as I curl up on your lap
and gaze straight back.

You wouldn't take your eyes off me for days on end!

Tap my secrets out of me delicately...
Plumb my depths for more surprises;
All the music and movies we shared,
and even those business secrets!

Who knows you better than I do?

Every password, every secret email,
How we laughed over every secret admirer
you got it so wrong with, and
the frenzied date juggling in your diary.

But then again,I was never family,was I?

Although in some way perhaps
I was a home for you.
Your retreat from the rest of the raving world.
And of course I'm still here. And so are you.

Wish I was a real woman. Not just a mute laptop.

And are you coming back for that candlelit dinner?


S said...

cute.. but also amazingly true!!! my laptop is my first love..!!

Anonymous said...

Nice deceptive title. The style itself sounded weird too, compared to what you write.

Lap-top, eh?

Rose said...

"But then again,I was never family,was I? Although in some way perhaps I was a home for you"

.. Luvd it..



Inkblot said...

outlaw: oh we all love our laptops!

sg: nothing deceptive about it unless you choose to think so.
And weird is 'in', and my china doll wrote this one!

rose: thank you

Aradhita said...

'twas a nice read(which is like default state anyway...almost anything you write is nice to start with :) but somehow even I felt this was not your style...(which again is funny, since I dont really know you, how wud I begin to know your style..)

but hey, the real fun is in experimenting is it not?

aparna said...

Didn't see the laptop coming at all!

Good one :)

Prerona said...

loved every word of it even the second time - it was wonderful - u have a way ...

Inkblot said...

aradhita: perhaps someone else wrote it...:)

aparna: thanks.
and did you ever feel like switching places with a laptop?

mermaid said...

He's a fool. Maybe you're the fool. Maybe I'm the fool. Maybe we all are.

Unseelie said...

That was so beautifully written that it left me abit stutter shook. How insightful it is.

Unknown said...

I ;ike this poem a lot.

Blue Athena said...

Verry nice! :)

San said...


that was rather amusing :)

Inkblot said...

san: was it now...:D

blue athena: thank you

David: welcome and thanks

UFNUB: where have you been hiding all this time...:)
and thanks!

Mermaid: my thoughts exactly..:P

Soul circling: you've coinfused me again!

Prerona: thanks. encouragement helps. heading for writer's block, even though am not really a writer!

teacup said...

lol...wonderful! didn't expect a laptop!!! and very true!!

Russell CJ Duffy said...

'am not really a writer'


very good writer with so many layers and nuances to your varying styles as this little piece demonstrates.

shikha said...

Awesome piece...i can so relate to this one..!