Thursday, January 19


Smoking like a goddamned chimney
What a godawful phrase
Just in case your thinking
I'm hung up on the good ol' almighty
Here's to him and his fan following.

Apologies to the religious millions
I'm a frequent church goer
alpha course and all that

Singing fervently with the band
of feverish believers
hoping,praying for salvation.

All we need
is sweet mindnumbing

So say it one and all
Life thrills
Love chills

By the way
Kali also kills
Rabbis rant
Mullahs mull
on the means to

Rule the world.
Dont we all?

So give me a fag
Silk cut, lights
Start again
Preserve your lungs
for posterity
patches and all
picture perfect

Like that being you never were.

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