Thursday, January 26


Its not a day for words
Not for smiles either
Not even for coffee.

Perhaps images will suffice.
Smoke and mirrors?

Even the tiny fleck of yellow
piercing the smoothness
of closed eye oblivion
Batters the nerves.

Fearing the tap may drip
The phone may ring
and the neighbour's dog...

Build me a foolproof corner
Deaf and blind
To the noises in my head.

One sesame cracker if you do that for me

Just don't crunch it around me,please.


Anonymous said...

May be not today
What about tomorrow?
We can be numb perhaps
But are we comfortable?

I love what you feel even though it makes uneasy

Russell CJ Duffy said...

one helluva name for a blog site but then again i love that song and one helluva poem to.