Monday, January 30


Lie to me if you have to. Lie like you've never had to lie before.

Give me a snatch of sky I can call mine. A piece of moondust I can stash away in a jewel box, locked safely, so no one can take it away. So I can bury it without ever needing to open it.

And while you smile indulgently,amused at a world which still surpises,I read your mind and gaze stoicly at the grinning mask on the wall - finely chiselled ugliness.

Exactly what I need.


Russell CJ Duffy said...

sounds like you are talking about me. paranoid who said that?
cool post. again.

Aradhita said...

everytime I read your post, click on the comments link, stare at the dialog box for some time and then close it without any comment... you leave me speechless!:)

Inkblot said...

CJ:I'm smiling

Aradhita:perhaps the next post is for you

Prerona said...

"Give me a snatch of sky I can call mine. A piece of moondust I can stash away in a jewel box, locked safely, so no one can take it away. So I can bury it without ever needing to open it."

whats the point? whats the point of having something you cant rally have and hence wont really have?

i'm sorry - just a random thought. nice. very good post :)

Inkblot said...

P: You are wise m'lady,but there are millions who live to chase a futile dream, in the hope of miracles perhaps? Or just pain?

Anonymous said...

On the subject of lies ...

All my life to pretend this world of theirs is mine
And to know such pretending is disgraceful.
But what can I do? Suppose I suddenly screamed
And started to prophesy. No one would hear me.
Their screens and microphones are not for that.
Others like me wander the streets
And talk to themselves. Sleep on benches in parks,
Or on pavements in alleys. For there aren't enough prisons
To lock up all the poor. I smile and keep quiet.
They won't get me now.
To feast with the chosen — that I do well.

Anonymous said...

keen astute observations
(I don't know your writing well enough (so if I'm offbase, forgive me), but this seems sarcastic and well-done sarcasm at that.