Wednesday, January 25

Down again

The boy on the bridge spoke to no one.

Red jumper, dirty blue trainers and hair that kept
getting in his eyes. Long lean fingers tapping a beat
absently on the cold iron rail.
His lips twitched a little now and again and his brow
furrowed ever so slightly as he blinked,and blinked again.
The cobbles below his feet remained unmoved.

Strangers drifted past,glassy faces.
A dog ambled up and sniffed. Started,looked up once and scuttled away.

A light wind swept the water below, that was losing its warmth
to the setting sun. The patter of hurrying feet slowly faded around him.
Shadows emerged quietly and hugged the trees protectively.
Night opened her arms.To an empty world.
Always generous, ready to hide what you never want to see.

The moon had gone away.
He strained his ears for a familiar sound.
A mother crooning a baby to sleep perhaps? A little laughter or a
muffled sob? At least a distant car or leaves whispering?

And so he knew.
Only the sky watched his shoulders speak, and still
no one heard. The tune in his head was long gone.
His cheeks motionless now. Calm at last as he went down down


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