Friday, January 27

Come play with me

Lying back on a lazy cushion and plucking petals off the pretty red
pansies,swimming cheerfully in my blue crystal bowl.
Got my fingers wet.
Running them lightly along the frosted window pane,
writing names of people I don't know.
Pushing my face wide eyed against the cool glass,nose pressed hard.
Breathing out.Watching strange shapes form,and disappear again.
Again and again.

Tap a can of diet coke,and shake a leg to the beat. Crack it open,
(don't you love that sound!).Pour it down from three feet up, watch it writhe and froth, brown and gold. Molten mess.

Hug a smooth pink pillow, and do the jig, pummel it till that
soft feather blizzard engulfs you. Fall down laughing.Rollover and wink at the nude on the wall.

Rub a green balloon till it crackles and squeals,holler at the boogieman. Squeeze a tomato and watch it drip-magnificently,silently,pathetically.

Lie back again, smile,shut your eyes and feel like an angel.

1 comment:

Prerona said...

stunningly beautiful wordplay - once more. :)