Friday, February 10


"Come away with me in the night..."

On second thought, don't even think about it.

I have big fangs, shifty eyes, a crooked nose and huge ears.
And even if you thought I can write poetry and sing like a nightingale, you'd feel those lard lined tyres (even if I blindfolded you and iced your fingertips)

and the wrinkled forehead (one hopes you'd get there eventually),
and the hairy bits even the darkness won't hide.

So don't think twice, its all right.
You have stars in your eyes and wings of a dove. I would hate to disappoint you, or leave a bad taste in your mouth, my sweet.

But do stay a little while longer. Perhaps we could dance and share a cherry cavendish high?

Oh, but I didn't tell you did I, that I have strong steel arms and razor keen broken teeth - all the better to eat you with, slowly, surely - a mouthful at a time.

And of course, I promise I won't nibble.


The Individualist said...

An interesting choice of words and a set of lines that makes the reader feel contented that he had what he hoped for. A poetic description for a poetic deed. Love-making.

Russell CJ Duffy said...

nibble away