Thursday, February 23

Rock my world

And I so love to watch you
Wiggle your hips
To ear splitting rock riffs
and blow kisses

at the dog in the mirror.

And throw your arms out in rare abandon
Beat your head to a frenzied drumbeat
in a steady staccato rhythm.

See you strum that invisible guitar
Like you might lose your life tomorrow

Stomp the sleeping floor awake
Lean over, tingling taut muscle
Bounce viciously on the shaken sofa.

Pucker your brow, practise the perfect pout
Arch your eyes and rasp out loud
Each well loved indecipherable lyric

Get it right, get it wrong
Grin wickedly,wink stupidly
Swig an empty bottle of beer
And cheer for the dead man.

Assume your classiest swagger
Light the wrong end of a joint
Spin thrice
Let out that electric yell
the sexiest ever (or so you think!)

Grab a cool black cap,or spotted red bandana
and jump lionlike
feet curved, hair flying wildly
crashland on immaculate glass coffee table.

Shrug heroically, glare petulantly
Relinquish guitar and grab drumsticks
Roll in stomach, stiffen knees and
let wrists go wild...

Cock your head and holler huskily
"are you with me tonight?"

Of course I am.
As soon as I can straighten up!

And who needs laughter therapy, when I've got you?

And just in case I'm dreaming, don't you dare wake me up.



I like the whimsical, yet human feel to this poem. My favorite lines are:

And I so love to watch you
Wiggle your hips
To ear splitting rock riffs
and blow kisses

at the dog in the mirror.


Cock your head and holler huskily
"are you with me tonight?"

Of course I am.
As soon as I can straighten up!


death said...

let it erupt. let it flow. latch on. and dance real slow.


aparna said...

Stunning wordplay! I love the unrestrained flow of words. Yet it all fits so well, sounds so right!

Awesome! :)

Inkblot said...

EP:this one's real

death: great idea

Aparna:thanks.its always hard to believe when someone says something like that about my writing. I've never taken it seriously or considered structure,flow and rhyme.