Monday, February 20

Lovesong you say- no, just another day

And we thought one day
we would fly together
Climb a tall mountain
Collapse at the summit
Gasping for breath
Drinking in the world around
In all its mighty splendour.

Fight over a chocolate bar
and snuggle up tight
to beat the biting cold
outside and inside us.

And we thought we could be alone
and wander the meadows
and dreamlike deserts
Scour the seabed for corals
Race down ravines
Comb the caves for hidden treasure

Call the sky our own

And on a misty winter morn
Go seeking each other
With a bagful of stories
A head full of pictures
And a heart full of passion

And we thought we could live for ourselves
And no other

And never have to be together
to feel each other, see each other
taste, touch, torment
or even smile together.

We never will.

Just like we will never
Curl up on a couch and
watch a movie together
except in our minds?

Never do laundry together
Never cook a meal together
Or brush our teeth together

But we always will

Hold each other
When we cry
Beat each other when we lie
Kiss each other as we sigh

Worlds away
There to stay
The price we pay
to never betray

Who we really are.

And perhaps on one magic day
When the world stands still
And we are each truly alone
As we always wanted to be

We will wake up and have coffee together.

Senselessly strong, scorching
Silent, soothing coffee.

Yes, together.


teacup said...

that was beautiful!!!...u should start writing for a living you knw!!...that alomst had me in tears!!!...gosh,it is beautiful...loved it:)

Jitterplate said...

You have a touching style of writing

Infact, lemme suggest, if you aren't seeing anyone,....never mind.

the innocence was brought out with the rhyme, and so so picturesque!

Anonymous said...

That was beautiful. All the way through and nicely set up. Beautiful!

The Individualist said...

Lovely lines. Okay even though it was hard to pick, here goes.
to beat the biting cold
outside and inside us.

Worlds away
There to stay
The price we pay
to never betray

Who we really are.

In my opinion, those were the best. Love is something that you just can't stop writing about, can you? :> Good for you. (You=plural)

Inkblot said...

Vertigo, Yashita, Raven: thanks so much, feels nice

the thing inside me: yes...?

sanity starved: high praise coming from you, hadn't really thought about the set up, things just happen.

individualist: easier to write about it than be there I guess.

GhostOfTomJoad said...

That's bloody good. It really is!

J. Alfred Prufrock said...

Romance without saccharine. Very rare. Wonderful.


death said...

hundred years and still the same thought. the same love. over and over and over again. you've made me what i am today. a broken guitar.

Inkblot said...

death: you made yourself

jap: will remember to inject lots of honey in the next one

ghostoftomjoad:i'm stumped

Anonymous said...

Hmm... :)
Start with a dream on the top of a mountain and, before you know, you are sipping hot coffee, together. Everything was just right.

Hmm... Are smileys allowed?

mermaid said...

I loved the imagery of a couple watching Nature as if she had put on her finest garments just for them.