Sunday, February 19

Thats us


Blue Athena said...

Very pretty!

The Individualist said...

Lol nice comparison.
From a gloomy perspective, it is us, isn't it? When we flow and stumble over obstacles, trying to get up, keep falling, convince ourself that we've got up, keep falling, realise that we haven't got up, keep falling and fall down forever.
From a more cheerful perspective, the wetness that we create over the rocks before we eventually slip into mystery is what we live for. Ephemeral though it may be. And there's another reason too. The joy of gliding over the rocks with a sense of purpose.

teacup said...

wat is 'us'? the stones that get chipped as we move forward in life?? the tranformation from the raw 'us' to the smoother, more mellowed 'us'brought on by life? or the water stream that flows past life's hurdles, but still keeps flowing??

btw i am addin u...hope ya don't mind.

Anonymous said...

Forgive me for saying so, but your photography seems better than what you write. Wonderfully executed! Absolutely love the repitition of the same subject. Rock solid and hazy at the same time.

liked Yet Another Silly Song just as much, but the photograph (or colors for that matter) was unexpected :)

another illusion said...

hard rocks and soft water.

aria said...

Couldn't check on you for a coupla days and .. whoa .. theres so much to read! Aah .. you keep churning 'em .. I particularly liked - Vegas on Valentine's

Inkblot said...

Blue Athena, Aria,Illusion: thanks

Sanity starved: you are forgiven. glad you liked 'em. now tempted to clog blog with photos!

Yashita, Individualist: wow, glad your putting some coherent meaning around it- there are so many ways to see it-keeps changing everytime I think about it.

The Individualist said...

And Yashita, the 'us' I was referring to is the water. The droplets are the singular you and me and the rest, individually. Eventually, we all get dumped into the base called death, don't we? That was what I was referring to from the gloomy perspective. And now that you know what I meant, it must be easy to understand the cheerful perspective.