Friday, February 17


You know
And I know
But they don't.

You can
And I can't
But they don't.

I will
And you won't
But they can't.

I cry
And you try
But they won't.

You could
And I would
But they should.

You thought
And I fought

I lied
And you sighed

You smiled
And I riled

And we know
What we don't
What we won't
And they don't.


mermaid said...

Ahh, too may limitations in this one. I like the style you chose as well. I see you writing this in a straightjacket.

Inkblot said...

mermaid:limitations...tell me more. Any feedback welcome.

mermaid said...

Inkblot, I think that came out as a criticism. It certainly wasn't meant to be one.

It speaks of the things we don't or won't say or do for various reasons, because we are restricted in our own thought. It's why it works so well with the style you chose. (My observation, though it may be way off base.)

"And we know
What we don't
What we won't
And they don't"